

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I watched the Bernie Madoff movie the other night

And after watching, I realized, hey, why does a guy who steals from the 1% get 150 years in prison, and big wall street companies steal more than 10x what he stole from the 99% and they all walk?

Well here is an interesting Rolling Stone article that will shine the light on the financial abuses that the 99% is taking: (Very interesting read. This will tell you what is what in respect to you and your 99% money)

This is why I dont like giving my money over to a financial house, a mutual fund operator, a broker. It turns out no one gives a FVCK about you or your money. Everyone is in it for themselves and thier bonus. And if fields of people gotta get burned so an exec can make a 200 million dollar bonus, then hey, thats life in the big city. Its like buying food in the late 1800s. Who knows whats really in the can?

This is why I like to be in charge of my own money. I move it. I invest it. I dont get involved with derivatives, risky investments, big investment houses that turn around and invest my money in the housing market then lose everything and have to get bailed out by the government. Be your own man and dont go to someone else with your money and your hat in your hand.



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