

Thursday, December 31, 2015

So that is it for today...Happy New Year I return Monday

Hey everyone, a quick wrap up.

Today I made 300% on my puts, which covers the 100% loss on the other end of the spread with 200% left over. Then on my previous spread, the next 100% gets eaten which leaves us with 100%. Now the DD calls eat all of that on one of the calls, so we are still down by a 100% on a single QQQ put.

That is way better than the alternative. I responded poorly to a bad situation by getting nuts but as it turned out it paid off. Again: two mistakes that I made...

1. Wrong strike price in last spread: When you are buying an option that will expire tomorrow, always purchase it AT THE MONEY as close as you can get. Dont think that it will move a point or two and you can go further out. AT the money. This will ensure any small movement will magnify as you have no time left to wait for big moves.

2. A candle with a tall upper tail at the top of a curve usually means drop unless there are some outstanding technical circumstances contrary to that.

Dont worry people, this is a blip in the big picture and the train is going to correct. Hell, I will still make you 30 percent in January AFTER recovering losses from the past week.

Have yourself a Happy New Years Eve and Day and I would suggest not driving tonight...sleep over whereever you are going. Bring a sleeping bag. If not you drinking, it will be someone else that slams into you. Stay safe.
The will return on Monday.



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