

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So, how did we do today, Wed Jan 20th 2016

Ok, lets figure out how we did today. Today we hucked and shucked as the market was whipping around.

Last night we got into a spread. DD calls and single puts.

First thing we did today was sell the puts. We got in at 2.32 and got out at 3.57.  gain 35%

Then we went for a dayput. That was a bust as suddenly right after i bought, the market turned we were in yesterday at 1.45 and sold today for a loss at .89 Loss -61%

Then right away I reversed and bought a daycall for the QQQ. Then sold it an hour later for 60% more than I bought it. In at 1.13 and out an hour later at 1.88    gain 60%

After that I dumped the night befores other half of the spread...the QQQ DD calls with a slight profit. I got in at 1.97 and we exited at 2.17 for a small win. gain  9%

So that leaves us today with the following:the dayput and the reversal daycall cancel each other out. That leaves us with the 35 percent gain and the 9 percent gain for a 44% overall gain for the day.

Not too shabby. That takes normal people about 5 years to make. 

Here is the secret: I know a lot of people that have crappy jobs and they live from check to check and each day is the same. They are trapped. Working for someone else should be a tool, not a prison sentence. The most valuable thing you have is time, moreso than any Gold or Platinum bar. You should not waste it. Wasting time at a dead end job is a crime against yourself, letting the calander pages fall. IMMEDIATELY you should start saving money to invest so you no longer have to stand there in that factory. Even if it only is 40 bucks a week. After a year of 40 dollars a week you will have 40*52= 2080 dollars to invest, and you can start doing this. I am going to post a beginners guide to what you can do with 2 thousand dollars and invest safely with very good returns. Look for this post sometime this weekend.
It makes working at that 7-11 or factory job or trucking job MUCH MUCH better as you know you are investing for your future and YOU WONT BE STUCK THERE LIKE SOME OF THE PEOPLE THERE for years. Ever see one of those people? Graduated from High School in 1978 and went right to Jewel/Dominicks/some union job behind a deli counter and now they look defeated, the walking dead serving lunchmeat for the last 40 years? That is wasting your life. Getting up going to your shift, making the bare minimum your union negotiated for you, going home, watching tv and going to bed. What kind of life is that? A wasted time marking life. 
Investing offers a way out. IF you know what you are doing.
Short on investment money? Here is a way to sock things away even faster...Amazon Mechanical Turk. Go to that site and sign up as worker. Each job you do is called a 'Hit'. At first being a newbie worker you need to have 100 hits under your belt to be able to make any money. This is because the people posting the hits want experienced workers, not newbies. So you need to quickly get 100 hits under your belt and you do that by doing quick low paid hits such as 'copy these grocery reciepts; that take like 5 minutes each. After a few days you will be at 100 hits. (As listed on your worker dashboard.)
Now you are set to start doing .50 or 1 dollar hits. Do them quickly, but honestly and carefully as there are attention checks. Do not just start filling in answer bubbles at random. Come home at night and do 4 of these every day for about 40 min of work in the evening, and right there, that is 120 dollars extra a month you have coming in right there that you can save.

Thats it for today and thanks for reading,



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