

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Q and A with the 1045 report's Founder

Hey everyone. A little bit about myself.

A: How did you get started in this?
Q: I was actually doing it part time as a hobby. I had a friend who was into the markets and we were looking into options. As I got to know more and more about the market I became interested in Steve Nisson's Candlesticks books and schooled myself on options as they are a great way to gain leverage with smaller amounts of money. I think a lot of people don't understand that options are really 4th dimensional: They have an element of time. And most of them expire worthless which shows people really know how to use them correctly

A: Do you have an edge?
Q: Yes. You might have noticed in following me that I keep winning with most of my trades. You might think that's a bit odd, but let me tell you a story of when I was a kid. I would play Candy Land, a board game with my dad. Before I came downstairs, I would rig the deck: I put the rainbow bridge card as the second card, then bring the entire game downstairs, ask him to play and then have him go first so that the second card would be drawn when it was my turn. I would get the rainbow card then take the rainbow bridge with my game piece and advance all the way around the curve 10 moves ahead. My dad caught on the 3rd time with this and said "Hey this time YOU go first," while laughing and caught me. Remember the online craze with Texas hold em in 07-09? Turns out that before the gov outlawed it, there were some former employees that had a backdoor program in UB (Ultimate Bet) and they stole millions from people and funneled it to offshore banks.
People need and want an edge. Otherwise they are just like everyone else with no edge, going back and forth to a mediocre to bad paying job wearing cheap clothes. Most people who get an edge have to lie or steal.
But the way I do it? People willingly give me what I need without complaint or calling the cops. Its like walking down the street and people walk up and give me a bag of money then keep walking.
Here is my edge: I make money on Greed and Fear. The trading crowd runs one way, I run the other way and take the overvalued or undervalued stock at a discount. The next day when peoples heads grow calmer and they can logically look at the stock and see it is miss valued, the stock bounces back to the correct valuation and I make a bag of money. Sometimes over night.
Remember 9/11? The day of and the day after remember the airline stocks dropped like 90%? Everyone thought in thier panic that it was it for airlines. Can't fly anymore. No one will fly on them anymore. I sat there and thought, thats ridiculous. People are just freaking out. Do people really believe we wont be commercially flying anymore? Its back to boats to go to Europe? No. I bought a spread of calls that were totally flattened in price. When the airlines started to come back in price the next few days, I got a bag of cash.
Q: So if everyone has Greed and Fear, what, you don't?
A: Yes, I have Greed and Fear. However I set them aside. Not only do I set them aside, I watch the crowds and stocks. Im LOOKING for overreactions and underreactions as a rule. Thats how I trade. Most traders are just looking for opportunity to make money. Things happen, they panic or pile on. While they are looking for trades, I am at the side of the room and looking at traders. To which way are they running to? I run the other way and pick up the money left on the table. I love bubbles in any market, because the public is always wrong and I am standing there waiting for it. Housing? When the bubble was happening and everyone was rushing into it in 05-06 I stood there doing nothing. When it popped in 07 I waited until it got really bad in 09. When there was blood in the streets and everyone was moaning. Thats when a Contrarian jumps in when everyone swears they will never touch housing again and purchases houses for 40% off. Then sells them after they bounce back in 2012.
Its a different layer that I operate on. I sit, watch and look for opportunities. And to trade like this provides a big edge because fear and greed will always be there, so there will always be overvaluations when people are greedy and undervaluations when they fear and oversell past the proper valuation.
Q: Do you use anything else?
A: I use Candlecharts from Ive learned about technical charting over the last 15 years, so I am pretty proficient in it. I understand the indicators, and the candles, each which gives me a good chance to know what teh stock is about to do next. I combine this with the stocks fundementals and its earnings history as well as analysts forecasts. Then I look at the crowd. All of this put together gives me about an 80-85% success rate in my trades. That means I can make money long term. In contrast, when I first started, I had no clue. I would buy and sell blind on a whim. I lost long term doing that.
Q: Do you have a main site?
A: Yes. Follow me on to watch my trades in action, updated every day. While I run this blog, that is my main site.

Follow me and learn to do as I do,



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