

Monday, June 29, 2015

Importance of Time and Family

"You may Delay, but Time Will Not"-Benjamin Franklin

What is the reason you invest? To make money? To get off the 9 to 5 treadmill? You don't invest because the Market is like a cool board game, you invest because you want more time. Time with the ones you love. Your family. While spending time with them is great, it is better if you can spend ON them. There is nothing like spreading the love as spreading the wealth. You love your family. Would you rather have limited resources so when they need help, you can't help them? That makes you inept.
Time moves on and you don't have time to be stuck in a holding pattern at some dead end job. Thats not respecting you or your family. Get out there and hustle. Get out there and LOOK. What are you good at? What could you create and sell?

You are here to make yourself and your position better in life. Grow.



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