

Monday, September 15, 2014

This should be of concern

I have been reading things across the web on how the united states dollar cannot sustain itself under the crushing debt that has recently crossed over 20 trillion dollars under Obama. We apparently are printing billions of dollars per month in order to keep it propped up to prevent a crash. Nixon took us off the gold standard, i.e. he removed the us dollar from backing its value on gold. Since Nixon did this, the dollar is good just because the US says it is, its backed on nothing but the 'full faith of the United States'.
This allowed bankers to loan, loan, loan, and when they needed more money, the Feds just printed more, and this is why there was such large inflation in the 1970's. We just printed more and more money as we needed it and our debt just kept increasing.
Well, there are rumblings of another crash coming, much worse than 2008 or 1929. Its not fun to think about, but perhaps you might be going in the right direction to make preparations for yourself and your family.
Some of the sites on the web describe it like this: You are watching TV. Suddenly a station emergency broadcast cuts in with an anchorman saying that the dollar has collapsed, with intensive coverage. Everyone is shocked. The next day you go to the store, and its almost like a riot, everyone running around clearing the shelves. People driving like maniacs. Day three: Your cable goes out. Day 7: The power and the water to your house goes out. There is no more trucks driving on the road, no one is getting paid. No more food or water in the stores. People dont want useless dollars.
Get the picture? Do you have food and water saved up? Is your home safe from wandering people breaking in looking for food and water? You might want to start thinking about things like this. Below is a link so you can start investigating things for your own:

Sorry for the buzzkill, but you need to know where this country is heading.

Also don't miss this interview: Very important about impending collapse

More updates to come


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