

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sell Pran Option and FRO straddle 12/11

Pran did what it was supposed to do, it dropped at one point almost 5%.
Like it was supposed to do. But the option did not drop accordingly. We got in at .45 and the last price out was .45, so we dump it for even money.

PRAN Dec 2014 2.000 put (PRAN141220P00002000)

0.45 0.00(0.00%) 12:37PM EST
Prev Close:0.45
Expire Date:20-Dec-14

What else do we have going...lets check the most up list for the day and see what is what for today and see if we see any cracks in the armor we can exploit...

Sector Jump:
Apple and IBM announced that they are going to be working together to develop some apps. Frontline is involved in this sector. So this is where I would do a ratio straddle. Maybe frontline will go off to the races like 3M and go to the moon. Maybe it will settle back down. I have the feeling though that what will happen will be a 80-20 percent chance ratio. There is a 20 percent chance that this will take off, but an 80 percent chance it will go back down, so this is how I will wiegh my straddle..So, if you are using 1000 dollars, 800 to the put, and 200 to the call. The nice thing is if this works out, the stock jumps up a bit, we take the money on the call, and then the stock dipps back down and then we make the money on the put.
So here is the 80% put:

FRO Dec 2014 1.500 put (FRO141220P00001500)

0.06 0.00(0.00%) 1:23PM EST
Prev Close:0.30
Expire Date:20-Dec-14

It is so cheap (look at the bid and the ask) because we are close to expiration and we are out of the money. Later in about 2 hours we want to buy the call part. We are going to be purchasing the 1.50 december call at 20% of the total money spent as opposed to our put which was at 80%.
Important: We want to WAIT until 2:30 today until we purchase the call part of this spread (at 20%) as this stock is still dropping today and we want to maximize value, You will go ahead on your own at 230 and I will post it here as well.

Later today,


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