

Friday, October 3, 2014

Coming up for today...The chart says up day 10/4

Lets take a look at the QQQ (Nasdaq) upcoming for the day:

As you can see the candlechart pattern is throwing a bullish signal. It is towards a bottom of a downward trend with a long tail and a short upper body, much like a cross. The crowd mechanics/price action of this says that there was a big price push downward during the day that hit quite low, but then there was buying again pushing the price back up toward the top of the candle at close. This shows resistance and a temporary bottom, which is a signal that for the next day or two there is gonna be a climb/chop up day Friday, possibly Monday if there is no bad news in the markets or Ebola scares. This is just going off the chart. Any bad news gets reported about wars, disease, or the weakening dollar, this goes right out the window.. This is just pure chart mechanics.

I am not a soothsayer, a prophet, a psychic or anything like that, and I am also not using some kind of mathematical algorithm. The markets are wildly inefficient in the short term and people trade largely on emotions: greed and fear. This makes it very easy for me to scan the market for inefficiencies. I look at peoples egos, such as those from Dreamworks and the Asian company that was considering purchasing them, I look at sector scares, etc. People swing wrong, I swing right and quickly grab it, and then when it swings back the other way the next day, I let it go for profit.

Right now I'm so tired sitting here at the computer I'm about to pass out. What about you? What do you do for a living? How do you trade in the market? What is your experience trading? I would like to start a forum of people at this site as I am now getting quite a surge of traffic, and based on my trades, Im gussing that traffic is just going to increase. Oh yeah, I forgot the chart for the upcoming next few weeks:

More crap to come. The market is going to continue to blow off steam for the next week or two overall (with a few up days thrown in but down for the big picture) before it resumes its upward climb. Check out the MACD chart on the very bottom: The black line is just crossing over the red line and we are going to be weak for a while. The RSI indicator at the top of the chart above the weekly chart is also displaying the same.

So plan your trades, and watch the news.



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