

Monday, January 5, 2015

What the Chinese are Secretly Up To

The Chinese see the global wind and how it blows. The advantage of essentially being a dictatorship is if you are truly invested in yourself and the position of your country and its citizens, you can step ahead of the world on the world stage.
The United States can see how the wind blows and have the inability to do anything about it as Congress and the House and the President are locked up fighting with each other: Nothing gets done. Thus the plans laid out by the Illuminati continue to crank forward in this country as we are becoming more and more bankrupt. I could sit here and talk about the Illuminati and their nefarious plans for this country but instead before I go forward, I would like you to watch a 30 minute video. You might say, "Mark, I'm busy, and I don't have time to watch a video for 30 minutes." But this video breaks it all down. It tells you exactly what is going on behind the scenes in our country and why that 20 dollars in your pocket is valued how it is. Remember going to McDonald's and spending 3.85 on a meal deal? That same meal deal is now 7.85 fifteen years later and is going to keep rapidly climbing even though what you are making is not going to climb fast enough to keep up with it.

So: before you continue with this post to find out what China is really up to, here is the video that you need to watch. If you don't have time right now, then bookmark this and come back later with a coke and some funyuns or whatever your snack of choice. Watch and KNOW:

How about that? Pretty much an eye opener, huh? Now you know what I know and now here is the rest of my post:
China is aware of the position that the United States is in. And they are painfully aware that we are in debt to them for trillions of dollars.
China is helping the United States to prop up the dollar. They dont want a crash right now. Because they are not ready yet.
The Gold Standard was lifted in the United States so that the bankers could start loaning out more money just by printing money. That caused massive inflation in the 70's and made a select group of people rich and follows along the lines introduced in the above video. The united states was seen as a world gate keeper and other countries entrusted the United States to hold on to their gold besides the massive gold reserves that the United States had.

The United States Has Secretly Sold off Its Gold. 

The vaults are almost empty. And other countries are starting to suspect something. Two years ago Germany and Austria demanded an audit of their gold supposedly being held by the US (Read about this here and one of the officials then flew to America and was arrested two days later on charges of something along the lines of child porn or something ridiculous. I feel that he was set up because we dont have the Gold.

So Where is the Gold

China has been working on a 10 year plan. They looked around and foresaw that the United States with its money (soon to be as valuable as toilet-paper) was going to undergo a major crash when the dollar finally topples. China then figured that an mainland invasion wasn't even necessary, they already own us through debt.
And another secret weapon: Gold.
China, being a communist dictatorship, operates its factories and forces its citizens to work for very little money. They then sell their manufactured goods on the world market and collect money. They then turn around and buy gold then plunk it down in their storehouse. They repeat the process over and over again. Near slave forced labor, produce exportable product, take the money from its sale, and buy gold and plunk it down in the national storehouse. The United States has been giving them our gold in order to stave off the debt  so China keeps rolling with us. I saw a program on the discovery channel where one of the reserves in New York has an underground tunnel connected 3 stories down with a Chase Manhattan bank so they can roll gold back and forth in case they need to show the gold to someone.
China is going to keep hording stockpiles of gold, and then when the world economy crashes, they are going to reissue the Yuan Renminbi backed on GOLD.
They are then going to be the world currency as it is the most solid currency backed on a precious metal. China wins. Everyone else has currency backed on paper only. Thus the gold back Renmibi will become the world standard after the United States crashes.

What does this mean for you? Avoid the US dollar, avoid US stocks for the long term as I see a crash coming, and invest in precious commodities. And when I say invest in precious commodities, I mean actually hold the physical item in your possession. When the shit goes down and the dollar collapses there is going to be a run and a lot of banks and investment houses are going to go down in flames and that means your digital accounts are going to disappear, and that 1800 number you are frantically dialing isnt going to work. You need to actually be holdng the product. And when the Chinese currency goes on line backed by real gold, that's what you might want to consider having in your pocket.



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