

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

We are going to watch H+R Block, Shoe Carnival

A few things about HRB. First, technically wise, there is a divergence happening. Hold a ruler up to the RSI and then hold a ruler up to the stock price itself and you can see that they are both going separate ways. 8 times out of 10 the stockprice will straighten out and follow the RSI, and the RSI says drop.
HRB is a tricky beast, because they only time that this stock really makes money is right after tax season, as reported in June. This is the big quarter where they make all thier money, and people understand that the other 4 quarters tend to be flat. This expectation could drive this stock higher anyway after the stock reports, especially if it shows even a bit of a gain. We will watch this stock and make a decision Friday after close.

We are also going to watch Shoe Carnival, (SCVL)who is sceduled to report next week. It is in the middle of a strong run up, and its numbers are not looking especially solid, this appears to be a volume momentum play with no significant news, especially for the strong run up in early August: Apparently trading computer programs recognized a bottom and buy orders were issued. Analysts do not see anything good at earnings for this upcoming quarter.
More tomorrow.


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