

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ok guys heres the deal

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am backing off this site a little bit because I have a lot going on. However, I will still be in and out several times a day and will still be forecasting the market as well as sharing my buy and exit orders.
I will still be posting exit and entry orders everyday, so you will still be able to use this site to generate 30% a month.
Think about that. I am making more than that a month with my eyes closed. Even with a total loss pick tossed in here and there.
What do you make on your investments a year? Your mutual fund? Your IRA? Ill make you a bet it 15% IF annually.
Remember if you are following me, never invest all your money on one of my picks. Seperate your money into 10 piles and later 20 piles as you make more money and only use one pile at a time, unless I signal to DD (Double Down) which means use two piles for that particular pick.
Tomorrow? Still there. Thurs-Fri? Still there. I will be like this:

I will check in early if I have a pick hanging from the night before. Otherwise I might be on at 10am. Ill look at the market then make a recommendation that you purchase or exit a particular position.

Then Ill generally come back at the end of the trading day about 20 min before close and then make another recommendation. Why is this? Because amateurs trade in the morning (which I take advantage of ) and pros trade in the afternoon: I like to wait until near close so that the candlesticks for QQQ or SPY solidify to the point where I can get an accurate technical signal on what the market is going to do the next day..
Later in the evening, say a few hrs after close, I will do a post on what I think the market will do the next day.
It is my intention to eventually go full time on this site, as in Im in the chair live from open to close in the market day constantly updating my positions and why. This will also entail a professional site redesign and different hosting company.

Oh, by the way my forcast for tomorrow is a sideways chop/slightly down. No big gains for tomorrow. Lets look at the chart:

Thanks for reading, and see you tomorrow!



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