

Friday, April 29, 2016

Slow day today

We are going to hold onto everything and see if we cant pull this out tomorrow.

At this point, we are so behind the 8ball that it doesnt make a difference if we hold it overnight.

How I am now trading different or should I say, how I just updated my trading so that I dont get false buy signals where I keep doubling down is I now follow the red/green solid line indicator along with the red/blue arrows. It gives me a much more solid in/out with better profit. And it stops the double and triple downs as the signal is much more solid. It also results in less buying and selling throughout the day, but with more of a profit return per trade.
Note in the above how solid the graph is with the solid green/red line running through the candlesticks and the red and blue arrows. Both of those combined give some good signals and avoid the noise of the above RSI and WT charts. 

See you guys Monday!



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