

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Late Day QQQ Put

Well that Yahoo finance being down thing is a true pain in the ass. I might have to upgrade to cyberexchange or Tradestation. Anyway, back to it. Today I decided that the cubes are showing a top signal while SPY is showing just plain chop. That to me is a mixed signal, but one that I am willing to play because it is so easy to double down on calls and puts with ETF's. They are very predictable in the medium term with technical analysis. So, lets take a look at the cubes chart for today:

Its flashing a top signal. However, a weak one. I think that there will be more chop happening here as the bulls and bears fight it out over the next couple of days. I expect some downward movement in the next several days, but due to the chop we are going to go through, we are going to have to do some pinpoint investing, which is why I suggest that you sign up on my twitter feed to get the exact time I tweet out the order. Below is our in:

I had to take this from another investing site because Yahoo doesnt have it together today. Our actual in price is 1.56.

Tune in later today for my forecast for tommorrow. If you have been following me, you may have noticed that I have been rather spot on with those. A nice little window to the future to give you an edge. I will also go through my current holdings. And my big problem with the oil situation with GDP.



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