

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Current Positions

GDP: I made a major mistake on this pick and here it is: I did not look at the underlying foundation, which is the problem with the price of oil. Oil is dropping rapidly because the demand for oil is dropping in China and America because there is a falling off of manufacturing because there is a less demand for goods. This is foreshadowing a market crash.
I have two positions on GDP. Here was my in:
The other position was the 1 dollar strike. Both of these are currently trading at a nickle: almost a total loss. Seeing that they are both almost a total loss, we are going to hang on to them, because what the hell: the money is almost gone for both.
Look long and hard at the above because that is never going to happen to me again. I can recognize now when a stock is in the middle of a death spiral and when it is not going to turn by looking at the technicals. Also I will always double check the foundation of the this case it was the spiraling down of the demand of oil.

IMMU: We are going to hold this one because it looks as though there is an attempt for this coiled spring to go off. Lets look at its chart:

It is currently in a coiled spring and there has been three attempts to rise. Today it just received orphan status for a drug. Thats good. We are going to hold on to this because I still think it has been overly sold off. As a matter of fact after I get more of a timing issue on this with the ADX indicator, I would be up for a double down. I like this one.

VTL: I want out of this one. Everything about this entire thing has been real squirrelly. From the way too high option price that I paid for something that is expiring in three weeks ( at 5 dollars that was more like a sept strike price) to the way that this stock is just hanging up there because of the upbeat spin on the earnings announcement made by the officer of the company.
Again a last: I will never again purchase an option with a crazy high option price for something that is close to expiration. That just smells of collusion, it smells of insider trading. If it doesnt make sense, dont touch it. My new lesson.
If tomorrow is a down day, I think this stock has had enough time to drop back down, something is holding it up, and on a down day this should drift down to get the majority of our money back, I do not want another GDP on my hands.

I have been doing very VERY well until the last week or so. I still have to compute what I have made in June and July, but I am going to guess around 150%-200% on my picks.
Also the reason why I divide my money up into 15-20 piles? Because things like GDP happens. What if I had been investing 100% of my money each time into each pick? Eventually comes the bomb. You need to be able to absorb the blast and keep moving foward making picks. And when you are running at 87% accuracy like I have, you are always going to make money in the long run.

Have yourself a good evening, and tomorrow is another trading day.



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