

Friday, November 20, 2015

Today 2 things

First, Im going to purchase an at the money call.

Second, Im going to dump that failed put. That put is already covered because of my double down call that made 110+% yesterday. That is, the 100 loss was covered with the 100 gain, then there was another 100% gain from the same call because it was a double sized purchase from what I usually go in with- thus I call it a double down.

Ok, lets get to it. Today I get in with this call at the money:

Now what I need to do is exit that put from the other week:

Again, this loss is covered from the double down we did Tues-Thurs. As in over 100% gain for the double down, one part of it covers the above, the other part is over 100% ahead. Kind of like losing 5 bucks at the casino roulette table then doubling down with a 10 dollar bet and winning it. The 5 dollar bet loss is completely covered, and in addition, you are now up an additional 100%, or another 5 bucks.

So that is that, and check back 15 minutes before close to see what I will do, most likely exit this day call.



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